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Hey everyone! My name is Kate, I'm a 4th-year student and the other stream I am focusing on besides Social Economy is “The Firm and Organization”. By working with GCC I hope to learn a lot of valuable skills that I can take with me wherever I go, as well as contribute to GCC's mission of promoting social justice and sustainability on campus here at York University, and beyond. Something impactful I have learned so far about fair trade through working with GCC is how by purchasing a product like a banana or t-shirt, you are impacting the farmers, producers, and workers involved, and the overall environment. I learned that by choosing fair trade you are contributing to environmental and social sustainability, helping workers and producers be paid fairly, have safe working conditions, democratic decision-making abilities, and give people a voice. I want to learn more about the channels through which we can continue educating peopleon fair trade, like social media, because the more people who support fairtrade the bigger impact it will have on the world! Click here to see Kate's Linkedin profile!


Alessia Melo

My name is Alessia Melo, and I am a fourth-year student at York University, specializing in social economy and firm management. My studies in the social economy have given me a deep appreciation for business models that thrive economically and drive social change. I believe it’s essential for companies to create economic solutions that address community needs, promote social justice, and ensure sustainability, all while staying true to their mission. Currently, in my placement with the Green Campus Cooperative, I’m thrilled to learn about the strategies they use to balance business success with positive social impact. Working on the social media team, I’m excited to help raise awareness and see how my contributions can support the cooperative’s goals. In addition, my studies in the Firm and Organization stream provide valuable insights into the workings of modern corporations, broadening my understanding of how businesses operate and impact society.


Bremen Torres

I'm Bremen Torres, a fourth-year student specializing in both the Social Economy and The Firm &Organization streams of the Honours Bachelor of Business and Society program. I intend to actively participate in projects that support fair trade and sustainable practices on campus as part of my work with Green Campus Cooperative (GCC).Since many people on campus don't completely understand what fair trade actually means, I'm especially interested in helping students understand thesignificance of sustainable consumption and fair trade. I've gained a lot ofknowledge on how fair trade empowers producers and encourages ethical choices.


Andais Bains

Role at GCC: Event Planner. I am a fourth-year Business and Society student at York University. Fairtrade is important tome because it appeals to my values of sustainability and equality. Fairtrade contests market values of cost maximization and highlights the inequalities that are produced by manufacturing cheap clothing. Fairtrade is interesting because it requires consumers to look past the price of a product. This has the effect of contesting conventional market trends of buying the cheapest product since consumers become willing to pay higher prices if they feel like they are supporting fairness and justice.


As students in York University's Business and Society Program, Social Economy stream, we are committed to fostering a sustainable environment, advancing fair trade practices, and driving positive change. Through our placement with Green Campus Cooperative, we aim to support and learn from organizations that prioritize social purpose over profit, embracing collaboration, community development, and innovative models for a more equitable and sustainable future.

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About GCC

We believe that in order to create a sustainable and equitable economic system for ourselves and future generations, we must create businesses and trading partnerships that are committed to fairness and sustainability in all aspects of their operations.

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